Oil Load Diesel Price in Herat
In the chart below, you can see the live price of oil-load group gas oil from Iraqi Kurdistan in the market of Herat, Afghanistan:
The chart is updated after each transaction or drastic changes in the price
Q3 & Q4 of 2024 Afghanistan USD/MT :
Data Representation in Heart Diesel Price Chart:
- Horizontal Axis: Transaction dates.
- Vertical Axis: Prices in USD.
Interactive Features of Herat Diesel Price Chart:
- Click on each bar to view the price and transaction date for that day.
- Days with no price changes are not represented in the chart.
Afghanistan Diesel Price History: First Half of 2024
Below chart shows Purchase and Sale Prices of Oil Load Brand Gasoil from Iraqi Kurdistan in the Herat Oil Market, Afghanistan
- Lowest Price: $840 on January 11, 2024
- Highest Price: $935 on March 18, 2024
Herat Diesel Market Description:
In the first half of 2024, the Herat oil market in Afghanistan saw significant fluctuations in the purchase and sale prices of Oil Load brand gasoil imported from Iraqi Kurdistan. The lowest recorded price was $840 on January 11, 2024, indicating a period of lower demand or increased supply. Conversely, the highest price reached $935 on March 18, 2024, reflecting a peak in demand or a possible supply constraint. These price variations highlight the dynamic nature of the oil market in this region, influenced by factors such as geopolitical events, seasonal demand changes, and market speculation.
This chart displays the latest selling prices of our diesel product, as reported by buyers. The prices shown pertain to Oil Load Group diesel transactions, specifically known as Iraqi Kurdistan Diesel in Herat. Please note that these prices may differ from those in the open market.
Oil Load Group diesel is known as Iraqi Kurdistan Diesel 05 in Herat market. Pricing is based on the specifications of this type of diesel and may be different from other diesels.