Iran Heavy, Iran Light, Soroush, and Forozan Blend Index Meaning

Iran Heavy, Iran Light, Soroush, and Forozan Blend are four grades of crude oil produced in Iran.

  • Iran Heavy crude oil is a type of heavy crude oil with a gravity of 38-41 degrees API. It has a sulfur content of 0.7-1.2% and a viscosity of 11-14 centipoises. Iran Heavy is typically priced at a discount to other grades of Iranian crude oil, such as Iran Light.
  • Iran Light crude oil is a type of light crude oil with a gravity of 39-42 degrees API. It has a sulfur content of 0.3-0.4% and a viscosity of 8-11 centipoises. Iran Light is typically priced at a premium to other grades of Iranian crude oil, such as Iran Heavy.
  • Soroush crude oil is a type of medium sweet crude oil with a gravity of 39-42 degrees API. It has a sulfur content of 0.1-0.2% and a viscosity of 7-10 centipoises. Soroush is typically priced at a premium to Iran Heavy and Iran Light.

Forozan Blend crude oil is a blend of light and heavy crude oils produced in Iran. It has a gravity of 38-42 degrees API, a sulfur content of 0.4-0.8%, and a viscosity of 8-14 centipoises. Forozan Blend is typically priced at a premium to Iran Heavy and Iran Light, but at a discount to Soroush.


Product Crude Type Gravity (API) Sulfur Content (%) Viscosity (centipoises) Typical Price (USD/bbl)
Iran Heavy Heavy 38-41 0.7-1.2 11-14 73.22
Iran Light Light 39-42 0.3-0.4 8-11 74.10
Soroush Medium Sweet 39-42 0.1-0.2 7-10 75.79
Forozan Blend Blend 38-42 0.4-0.8 8-14 76.41
  • Forozan blend is a blend of Iran Heavy and Iran Light crude oils. It is a medium sour crude oil with a gravity of 38-42 degrees API, a sulfur content of 0.4-0.8%, and a viscosity of 8-14 centipoises. Forozan Blend is typically priced at a premium to Iran Heavy and Iran Light, but at a discount to Soroush.

  • Expensive because it is a type of crude oil that is considered to be more difficult to refine. This is because it has a higher sulfur content than other types of crude oil, which can make it more difficult to remove the sulfur from the oil.

In addition, Forozan Blend is also a type of crude oil that is considered to be more volatile than other types of crude oil. This means that its price can fluctuate more than the price of other types of crude oil. This volatility can make Forozan Blend a more risky investment for some investors.

Despite these factors, Forozan Blend can also be a valuable source of oil for some refiners. This is because it has a higher API gravity than other types of crude oil, which means that it contains more light hydrocarbons. Light hydrocarbons are the most valuable type of hydrocarbon because they can be used to make gasoline and other high-value products.

As a result, Forozan Blend can be a more profitable crude oil for some refiners. However, it is important to weigh the risks and rewards of investing in Forozan Blend before making a decision.

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