How the Price Can Change in Every Step of Crude Oil Distillation

How the Price Can Change in Every Step of Crude Oil Distillation

Crude oil distillation is a complex process that involves several stages, each of which can influence the final price of the product. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how the price can change throughout the process.

Here is a table summarizing how the price can change in every step of crude oil distillation:

Step Description Impact on Price
Heating The crude oil is heated to a high temperature to vaporize the lighter hydrocarbons. The price of the crude oil will increase as it is heated, as this process consumes energy.
Vaporization The vaporized hydrocarbons rise to the top of the distillation column, where they are cooled and condensed. The price of the heavier hydrocarbons will increase as they condense, as they are more difficult to remove from the crude oil.
Condensation The condensed hydrocarbons collect in trays or plates within the distillation column. These hydrocarbons are then collected and separated into individual fractions. The price of the lighter hydrocarbons will decrease as they are collected, as they are more valuable and in high demand.
Collection The collected fractions are typically sent to further processing or storage. The price of the fractions will vary depending on their quality and composition.
Purification The naphtha may be further purified to remove impurities such as sulfur and other contaminants. This is typically done by using a process called hydrotreating. The price of the naphtha will increase as it is purified, as this process requires additional energy and resources.
Blending The naphtha may beblended with other hydrocarbons to produce a specific product, such as gasoline or jet fuel. The price of the blended product will depend on the price of the individual components and the demand for the product.
The chart shows the price of crude oil at each step of the distillation process. As you can see, the price increases at the beginning of the process, as the crude oil is heated and vaporized. This is because these steps require energy, which is a costly input. The price then decreases as the lighter hydrocarbons are collected and separated from the heavier hydrocarbons. This is because the lighter hydrocarbons are more valuable and in high demand. The price increases again at the end of the process, as the naphtha is purified and blended with other hydrocarbons. This is because these steps require additional energy and resources.

The chart shows the price of crude oil at each step of the distillation process. As you can see, the price increases at the beginning of the process, as the crude oil is heated and vaporized. This is because these steps require energy, which is a costly input. The price then decreases as the lighter hydrocarbons are collected and separated from the heavier hydrocarbons. This is because the lighter hydrocarbons are more valuable and in high demand. The price increases again at the end of the process, as the naphtha is purified and blended with other hydrocarbons. This is because these steps require additional energy and resources.


here is a list of all crude oil derivatives and their typical prices:
Crude Oil Fraction Typical Price per Barrel ($)
Gases $1-2
Naphtha $30-50
Kerosene $40-60
Light Fuel Oil $45-65
Heavy Fuel Oil $50-70
Asphalt $80-100


Crude Oil Fraction Typical Price per Barrel ($) Next Steps Derivative Products
Gases $1-2 Extraction Natural Gas ($2-3)
Naphtha $30-50 Cracking Gasoline ($30-50), Kerosene ($40-60), Jet Fuel ($45-65), Diesel Fuel ($45-65)
Kerosene $40-60 Blending Kerosene ($40-60)
Light Fuel Oil $45-65 Blending Diesel Fuel ($45-65), Heating Oil ($45-65)
Heavy Fuel Oil $50-70 Blending Marine Fuel ($55-75), Boiler Fuel ($60-80)
Asphalt $80-100 Oxidation Asphalt ($80-100), Roofing and Paving ($85-105)

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here is the table with the source of the cheapest to the highest prices in the Middle East added to the previous table.

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Crude Oil Fraction Typical Price per Barrel ($) Next Steps Derivative Products Final Products Price Source of Cheapest Price (Middle East) Source of Highest Price (Middle East)
Gases $1-2 Extraction Natural Gas ($2-3) Cooking Gas, Heating and Electricity Generation $1.5 – $2 Kuwait Qatar
Naphtha $30-50 Cracking Gasoline ($30-50), Kerosene ($40-60), Jet Fuel ($45-65), Diesel Fuel ($45-65) Gasoline (Retail), Aviation Fuel, Lubricants, Petrochemicals $3.2 – $4.7 Oman Saudi Arabia
Kerosene $40-60 Blending Kerosene ($40-60) Aviation Fuel, Jet Fuel, Lighting Fuel $3.8 – $5.3 United Arab Emirates Iraq
Light Fuel Oil $45-65 Blending Diesel Fuel ($45-65), Heating Oil ($45-65) Diesel Fuel (Retail), Heating Fuel $4.5 – $6.0 Iran Oman
Heavy Fuel Oil $50-70 Blending Marine Fuel ($55-75), Boiler Fuel ($60-80) Marine Fuel, Boiler Fuel $58 – $73 Kuwait Saudi Arabia
Asphalt $80-100 Oxidation Asphalt ($80-100), Roofing and Paving ($85-105) Road Construction, Roofing and Paving $83 – $98 Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates
Natural Gas $2-3 Extraction $1.5 – $2 Qatar Kuwait
Heating Fuel $45-65 $4.5 – $6.0 Saudi Arabia Oman

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One thought on “How the Price Can Change in Every Step of Crude Oil Distillation

  1. Ahmat K.Jalal says:

    I was looking for this article, about comparing the price of oil and derivatives at each stage of production. I really liked it. thank you.

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